‘Querer’ spanish verb conjugation

The Spanish verb “querer” translates to “to want” or “to love” in English. It is a fundamental verb used to express desires, wishes, and intentions. “Querer” is versatile and can convey different nuances depending on the context in which it is used. Some common meanings and uses of “querer” include: …

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Conjugation of “Poder” in Spanish

The Spanish verb “poder” translates to “to be able to” or “can” in English. It denotes the capacity or capability to do something or to have permission or authority to perform an action. “Poder” is a highly versatile verb used in various contexts, including: “Poder” is a fundamental verb in …

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“Pensar” Spanish verb conjugation

The Spanish verb “pensar” translates to “to think” or “to consider” in English. It involves the mental process of forming thoughts, opinions, or beliefs about something. “Pensar” can be used in various contexts, such as: “Pensar” is a fundamental verb used in everyday communication to express thoughts, opinions, intentions, and …

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“Pasar” verb conjugation in Spanish

“Pasar” is one of the Spanish verbs with more meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some of its most common meanings: “Pasar” is a versatile verb that is commonly used in everyday conversation and can convey a range of meanings depending on the context …

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“Pagar” verb conjugation in Spanish

The Spanish verb “pagar” translates to “to pay” in English. It refers to the action of giving money or settling a debt in exchange for goods, services, or to fulfill an obligation. “Pagar” is used in various contexts, such as: “Pagar” is a regular verb in Spanish, and its conjugation …

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“Olvidar” spanish verb conjugation

The Spanish verb “olvidar” translates to “to forget” in English. It refers to the act of not remembering or failing to recall something that was previously known or experienced. “Olvidar” can be used in various contexts, including forgetting information, events, tasks, or people. Here are some examples of how “olvidar” …

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“Oír” Spanish verb conjugation

The Spanish verb “oír” translates to “to hear” in English. It refers to the act of perceiving sound through the ears. Here are some key points about the meaning and usage of “oír”: In summary, “oír” is a versatile verb that encompasses both the physical act of hearing and the …

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Nadar conjugation

The Spanish verb “nadar” translates to “to swim” in English. It refers to the action of moving through water by using one’s arms and legs, typically for recreation, exercise, or sport. Here are some examples of how “nadar” is used: “Nadar” is a regular verb in Spanish, and its conjugation …

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“Necesitar” Verb conjugation: To need in spanish

The Spanish verb “necesitar” translates to “to need” in English. It is a common and straightforward verb used to express the necessity or requirement for something. How to use the verb “necesitar” “Necesitar” is a regular verb, and its conjugation follows standard patterns in different tenses and moods. It’s a …

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Mover conjugation in Spanish

The Spanish verb “mover” translates to “to move” in English. It is a versatile verb used in various contexts to convey the action of changing the position or location of something. Here are some common meanings and uses of “mover” As with many verbs, the meaning of “mover” can be …

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